Finding the successors of a node Because of the diagram conventions used in DynRisk, it is easy to see all the predecessors of a particular node. Because you are not allowed to add predecessors to an “alias” node, you always know that all predecessors must be connected directly to the “ego” node, i.e., the node itself. Thus, you only need to examine the edges directed into the “ego” node to find the predecessors. Finding all successors, however, is not so obvious how to do. Apparently you have to search through the entire model document to find all aliases of the node in question, to be sure that you have covered all links. Fortunately, DynRisk provides a much more efficient solution: To see a list of all successors of a given node, simply move the cursor to the node and press the mouse button while holding down the “command” key. As a result, you will see a popup menu where each menu item contains the name of a successor. Selecting an item will bring you directly to the corresponding successor.